Monday, November 21, 2011

FHE History

Conducting: Mom
Prayer: Ava 
Song: Dad - he let Ava choose.  She chose a song she made up on the spot called "spin like a fan" which consisted of spinning around in a circle with your hands out like airplane wings while singing "I'm spinning spinning spinning like a fan spinning spinning spinning like a fan, spinning spinning spinning like a fan I spin just like a fan.
Lesson: Mom - we talked about Thanksgiving coming up and all the things we should be grateful for and why we should show gratitude to Heavenly Father for all we've been given.  Then mom taught the story of the first Thanksgiving using the following poem and helping us make bracelets (which counted as the activity by Charlotte):

Thanksgiving Story Bracelet
With this bracelet you will know (Start with a pipe cleaner.)
The first Thanksgiving that was long, long ago.
The Pilgrims set sail from far away
On the Mayflower with tall white sails. (Insert a white bead.)
They sailed many days across the ocean blue. (Add a blue bead.)
The seas were rough, but the ship came through.
At last they spotted land so green. (String on a green bead.)
They were so happy they cheered and screamed.
The first year was so hard and black. (Now a black bead.)
Many died and wished that they could go back.
But the Native Americans gave them a hand
And helped them survive in the strange new land.
They decided to celebrate in a special way
And that became the first Thanksgiving day.
They prepared a feast with turkeys brown (Add a brown bead.)
And red cranberries that they had found. (Time for a red bead.)
Yellow corn that they had learned to grow (Insert a yellow bead.)
And orange pumpkin pies, don’t you know! (Last an orange bead.)
But before they ate the turkey and dressing,
They all held hands for a thankful blessing.
         (Twist the ends of the pipe cleaner to make a bracelet.)

Treats: Dad had treats and he chose to let everyone have a piece of cinnamon roll cake that mom made last night.  Charlotte chose to have gogurt which made Ava choose to have gogurt after she had finished her cake.

1 comment:

Mellonee said...

I just love FHE historys! They are so fun, it's a tiny bit like being there, said with my arms wide, and spinning while singing "I'm spinning, I'm spinning...."