Thursday, October 28, 2010


For the last 9 months I haven't gotten much of it.  And since Charlie sleeps in our room, neither has Rob.  And up until a week or so ago, this is the only way Charlotte would sleep much:
In my arms............

Or lying right next to me (the binky on her face is optional)
But we've been given a Christmas miracle.  Rob decided it was time to put Charlie in a pack n play in the closet. (We have a big walk-in closet so nobody call CPS)  The first couple nights all that meant was that I had to actually get out of bed three times a night to feed her instead of just feeding her lying next to me in bed.  But on the third night something magical happened.  She only woke up once!  And I got 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  Folks, it was incredible.  I was practically a new woman.  And you know what the best part is? It has continued.  She now will go to sleep around 7:30, wake up to eat around 10 and then only once more at night.  AND she is taking real naps!  Some of you may think I am being way to excited about this but literally before this the girl would take 20 minute naps and would wake up 3 to 4 times between 7:30 and 11 pm and at least 3 times after until morning.  It's only been a week and a half but let's all cross our fingers that this is not just a phase............or that the phase lasts for a very long time.


Mellonee said...

Fingers crossed!! I mothered Jace, I feel your pain!

Joel and Dacia said...

Whoo hoo! So glad she is sleeping for you.

Kendra said...

Oh my gosh that's awful! Not getting your sleep is rough and makes it hard to be a good mom, wife or person in general. I sure hope this has continued for you!