Thursday, June 03, 2010

I need to be more obedient

Tonight I was reading Ava a scripture story before bed. It was the story of Naaman and Elisha. You know, the one where Elisha tells Naaman to wash in the river Jordan seven times and his leprosy will be cured and Naaman doubts that it will work so almost doesn't do it but in the end follows the Prophets' advice and is healed. I ended the story by saying "And Namman listened to the Prophet and was blessed." To which Ava responded "He did." I said "Yep. And he was healed. Isn't that great?" Ava then got a concerned look on her face, pointed to some freckles on my arm and said "But Mom, you still have a little leprosy."

1 comment:

Joel and Dacia said...

Ha ha ha! She is so funny! That brain of hers comes up with the funniest things. I must have a lot of leprosy cuz I have waaaaay more freckles on my arms than you do :)