Friday, June 18, 2010

Priceless moments for a mom

when dad unsuspectingly picks up crying baby from the swing only to find out the hard way why baby is crying. And like any good mom would, before helping dad out of this "messy" situation, she grabs the camera to document priceless moment.


cate said...

That's awesome! You should frame that picture for Father's Day.

TL said...

oooooh I thought baby girls didn't do that, only boys! ha ha reminds me of the time when I handed Ty over to Brad at like 2am to so he could change his diaper (why Brad was awake I have no idea) and as he opened the diaper Tyler let him have it. Brad had poop all over him, his arms, etc. I laughed so hard and Brad just said, "oooh (*^&!" Which I thought was probably the only time that he swore appropriately! ha ha

Sierra said...

I love this picture! Probably because I have cleaned up so many such messes in the last bit. I also bought almost that same swim suit for Maddie with the pink tutu. Great minds think alike.