Thursday, May 13, 2010

What's been going on

As usual it has been awhile since I have posted so here's a picture post of things we've been doing.

Snuggling with our sister.................who can help it when she's this cute?

Trying to wear our favorite rainboots to church

Sporting our cute hair to church.......courtesy of sponge rollers.

Falling asleep in our church clothes

Being artistic with friends

Some more sleeping while raising the roof

Trying to get mom to let us have a sleepover............looks like there wouldn't be much sleep!

Planting our version of a garden including cherry tomatoes that we germinated inside and then promptly killed by moving them outside too soon

Enjoying some snuggle time with dad


Emili said...

Ooh, they are adorable. Love the hair and the boots! And I laughed so hard at your cherry tomatos (sorry, it probably wasn't funny to you) but that's totally what would happen to me if I tried it.

Joel and Dacia said...

Cute cute! Don't you love it when you work really hard on something and then destroy it? That always makes my day. I'm talking about the tomatoes,not your children :) Can't wait to see you guys!

Mellonee said...

Did you let her wear the boots to church, because they SO matched the outfit!!
Love the sister photos and the indoor gardening!

Sierra said...

Your family is looking good- hope all is going well with you. Come to Utah soon so we can see you again.