Friday, April 03, 2009

In the words of a child...........

Out of the blue words from the 2 year old I am babysitting today:

2yrold: My mom says we don't eat diarrhea
me: What?
2yrold: We don't eat diarrhea, we don't eat poop and we don't drink pee.
me: Okay. What do we eat?
2yrold: Food.
me: (being facetious) Hmmm..... What about boogers? Do we eat those?
2yrold: No.......but just a taste.
me: Just a taste?
2yrold: Yeah cuz boogers is tasty.

And now you know.


TL said...

That's funny! Gotta love those times. Dad asked me what I was going to do without a 2 year old running around my house now that all mine are growing up. I told him I'd borrow someone else's for a day just like this! and even if I did want more after I make it through potty training my youngest I will be for sure done, he's pushing me over the edge here!

cate said...

You forgot to ask about ear wax.

the harrisons said...

that is hilarious! who doesn't need a taste every once in awhile!

Bek said...

i thought everyone knew this.