Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Horsey Horsey we're on our way.........

Apparently the kindergarten teachers in our area get together over coffee so they can brainstorm nightmarish homework projects that will drive parents crazy. Or that's the way my friend Michele sees it. Each year, the kindergarten kids have a "Rodeo Roundup" (whatever that is) and as part of that are required to bring to school a handmade stick horse that they make with their parents. I do not have a child in Kindergarten. My friend Michele does. Michele called me this morning to tell me she was up all night watching "How to make a horse" videos and trying to cut out a horse head from felt and then finally deciding to use a sock for a head but not knowing how to do it exactly or what to do about the yarn for the mane, etc. I think she told me at one point (around 3 a.m. last night) she was in tears. Tears we cannot have. So tonight, after all the kiddos were asleep, Michele came over with her sock and a few supplies and here is what we came up with. Just another testament that two heads are better than one......or three if you count the horse. Here is Michele taking it for a test drive!


MariePhotographie said...

Oh, Abby, you are such a good friend! It turned out so cute. If kindergarten involves hard homework like that for me, Maggie might not be going...

Mellonee said...
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Mellonee said...

Apparently it is a nationwide conspiracy! Tara and I hate 'parent homework', ugh! This week for 2nd grade geometry we had to make a robot out of spheres, cubes, cylinders and cones, then cover it with foil. How about a check list "I saw a cube, I saw a cone"? Wouldn't that work? Or a broom horse? What about imagination! *S* Sheesh! Feeling your pain in Utah.

Emili said...

Oh Abby, you're the best. Kid's homework would be so much more fun to do with a friend. :)

cate said...

That's a good looking horse! You could make a whole horse family. Faith recently had to make a contraption for the egg drop contest. Except we had a basketball game the night before and didn't get home until one in the morning. So ten minutes before school we put it together. And the egg DIDN'T break.

TL said...

Again super mom of the year and your daughter isn't even 2! Such a cute horse looks nothing like the one I made for enrichment. I can't remember what it looked like but not a horse. Good work!

Michele said...

Abby, Abby, what a good friend you are. I'm serious! How will I ever repay you? Will the ice cream scoop be enough? I can't believe you posted that picture of me on your blog. I feel so special to be a part of your blog and at the same time, so embarrased cuz I look ridiculous. You had me laughing at your two heads are better than one comment. Why are you so funny?