Friday, August 19, 2011

Fashionably Late (and a little princess birthday party)

Remember in college when you were going to a party that started at 7 but you didn't want to show up right at 7 or (heaven forbid) 6:58 because then you'd seem like you never got out and were waaaaaaay too eager for the party? So instead you showed up at 7:20 which was considered "fashionably late" which meant you didn't miss anything exciting but appeared to have such a busy/hectic/glamour-filled life that there was just no way you could have been there any earlier.  I wanted to put that image out there so that anyone who reads this post and realizes that I'm posting June pictures in August might just think of all kinds of chic, cool, totally-hip things that my life must be filled with in order for my posts to be so "fashionably late."  Scrubbing hard peanut butter off the back of your dining chairs is so totally the in thing right now. :)

But I digress...... Back in June we threw a birthday party for Ava.  The theme was rainbow/princess/unicorn (translation: indecisive kiddo) party.  We had several stations at the party: a wand-making station, a crown making station, a pedicure station, a photo-booth station and a pin the horn on the unicorn station.  We had 14 little girls there and they all had a blast.
Ava opening presents and testing some of them out

The party decor - or the part I got pictures of at least

The big birthday gift - her very first bike

Pedicure station and pedicure drying station

Some cute ones from the photo booth my friend LE did

Dancing with the ribbon wands they made

Pin the horn on the unicorn

My friend Dee painted Ava and friends' faces when the party was over

Even Charlotte got in on the action

Ava's birthday dinner choice (corn dogs, corn on the cob and salad)

Blowing out the cupcake

1 comment:

Breea Heiner said...

I yi yi yi! You are one AWESOME (Imagine that bolded and gigantic and flashing) Momma! What a fun party. Maybe you can come be E's momma for a day when it is her turn for a party ;)