Friday, July 01, 2011

My little schemer

So the last couple of times we've been to Walmart, Ava has asked if we could buy chocolate goldfish.  We typically buy the regular ones and the graham cracker ones.  I told her that I don't wanna buy them because she is the only one that likes them and nobody else will eat them so they go stale before they are gone.  The other thing she has been doing lately is having us raise our hands for things.  Like everyone who is wearing shoes raise your hand.  So yesterday we were driving somewhere in the car and Ava pipes up from the back seat and says "everybody who likes chocolate raise your hands."  Rob and I both put our hands in the air.  Ava follows with "everybody who likes chocolate goldfish raise your hands."  I started laughing.  Here was her attempt to convince me that she was not the ONLY one in the family that would eat them.  Interesting how she started out asking about chocolate so the goldfish question could be a little more subtle.  Can't wait to see what this translates into at our next shopping trip.  She's such a clever little thing!

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