Monday, May 18, 2009

To the Big Girl

Dear Ava:

Today you and I went to Old Navy to return a few things and as usual, you were obsessed with the mannequin dog there. You spent 10 minutes petting it and talking to it and giving it hugs. So I took this picture of you and emailed it to your dad.When your dad and I talked again later, we laughed about how with your sunglasses it's hard to tell which one is the mannequin. We also joked about never needing a real dog because you are apparently content with a plastic one. About five minutes after we'd hung up, your dad called me back:
Your Dad: I was looking at that picture you sent again.
Me: Yeah?
Your Dad: She looks like a little girl in that picture, not a baby anymore.
Me: I know.
Your Dad: She is a little girl now, I mean look at that picture.
Me: Yep, her and I just had a conversation today about how she's not a baby anymore.
Your Dad: How did that happen?
Me: I don't know.

Even though we're not sure how it happened, the truth of the matter is, our tiny baby is long gone. It's hard to believe that you will be two years old next month. Where did the time go? I'm not sure but I know it's been quite the ride so far and we still shake our heads and can't believe how boring our lives must have been before you came along. I'm sure time will continue to fly by and before you know it your dad and I will look at another picture and wonder when you became a teenager. But until then, I'm gonna enjoy today with you. Let's go read a book.


cate said...

Abby, that's so sweet, it's so weird when your baby is suddenly not a baby anymore. It happens so gradually that one day you wake up and just realize it.

MariePhotographie said...

Oh my, she has grown up!! What a cutie. :)

Mellonee said...

That picture is adorable, but then what other kind of photo has she ever taken!
Loved your letter.