Monday, November 03, 2008

You know you're a mom when.......

you have nothing to feed your daughter (okay, granted the fact that you have a daughter is the first clue that you're a mom but bear with me here) for lunch and then you find a hot dog and some tortillas and the brilliant idea comes into your head to make a hot dog and cheese quesadilla. And then before you know it, that hd&c quesadilla starts to look pretty good so you have one yourself. You actually sit down (okay, you just lean against the counter, who has time for sitting down?) and eat a hot dog and cheese lightly grilled inside a tortilla. And you know what? It's not bad. Well it's either not bad or you've been running around the whole day like a crazy man and haven't eaten anything so at this point cinnamon flavored dirt would taste like a 5 star meal. Yep, that's how you know. You're a mom. Isn't it great?! :)


cate said...

hmm... that really made my stomach turn. I'll just take your word for it.

Ann said...

Where have you been?
Also, tortilla with hot dogs are great, they were not unheard of in my growing up years.

Mandy said...

You are funny. And I can tell you I have had similiar lunches!

Emili said...

I totally have been there! In fact, I'm there every day. Make something for the kids, and then I usually end up eating the left overs, and not making anything else because it's too much work.

How have you been Abby? I miss you!