Sunday, May 05, 2013

All I want for....

It's a long way from Christmas so hopefully Ava won't have to finish that song but she did lose her first top tooth today. It was barely hanging on last night but she wouldn't let me pull it because she wanted it to stay in until she got to school Monday. Apparently if you lose a tooth at school you go to the nurse and she puts it inside a little plastic tooth container that's on a string that goes around your neck. I guess the "tooth necklace" is a coveted prize worth the risk of possibly swallowing your barely attached tooth in your sleep. Lucky for AJ, after a brief moment of panic this morning, she discovered the tooth on the bed. The other top tooth looks like it will be following shortly. Her bottom two came out last summer so this makes tooth number 3. I can't believe how much the loss of this one changes her looks. Although as you can see from the pics, it hasn't changed her silliness.

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