Thursday, September 17, 2009

I am like a star

Ava is our little American Idol. She absolutely loves to sing and is always making up new and silly songs and loves to learn any new songs. I am like a star is one song we sing a lot at bedtime so when she broke into it today in the kitchen, I was not surprised. That is, until the end. I'm pretty sure I never used that ending. Here is her variation of the classic primary song:

I am like a star shining brightly
Shining for the whole world to see
I can do and say, happy things each day
For I know Heavenly Father loooooooooooooooovvvveeees my puppy! (note the puppy in her arms in the above pic)


Joel and Dacia said...

That must be one important stuffed animal :) I'm not surprised that Ava is so entertaining!

When are you ever going to say anything about #2 on your blog? I want to see an ultrasound picture or something please.

Callie said...

hey abby! congrats on polka dot! i definetly think that is a keeper name! Ava sounds like a fun! kids say the funniest things! hope all is well!