Saturday, February 07, 2009

San Francisco: Day 1

Flight delayed an hour
Uber cranky flight attendant
Arrive in San Francisco
Dinner with hubs and Pumpkin
Bathtime and Bedtime
Dreaming that Pumpkin is screaming "mommy"
Realize it's not a dream
Spend the next 3 hours changing multiple pairs of pajamas and cleaning up vomit.
Apologize continuously to the housekeeping staff for having to request a 3rd set of sheets
Secretly grateful that I'm not the one that has to do all the laundry from this
Back to bed at 4 am

Looking forward to Day 2.


cate said...

Oh. Wish there was something else I could say.

TL said...

Way to look on the bright side about the laundry thing. It think not having to wash the puked on sheets was worth the call to housekeeping. Poor Ava, I hope she's feeling better for day 2!

Sierra said...

Wow, sounds like a great vacation. Why can't kids cooperate and have a good time like normal people on vacation!

Nancy said...

san francisco should NOT be like that. san francisco is SO much awesomer.

Barlow Fam said...

Sounds like so much fun just kidding!! I sure hope that you have a great time in San Fran!!! I hope you are doing well too!! I haven't heard or talked you in so long, I hope you are good!!

Joel and Dacia said...

Can't wait to read about day two...

Mellonee said...

So sorry Abbs! That's difficult enough at home, though the no laundry detail is definately a bonus! Hope today goes better.