Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Vaccines: Really that necessary?

So Ava's 4 month birthday was yesterday which means another round of vaccinations. It was oh so much fun the first time that I'm not sure why I wasn't thrilled to do it again. I know I know I have many more times of this so I better get used to it. They did all the measuring and weighing mumbo jumbo before the shots. Good little girl didn't even pee on the scale this time. I was so proud. :) Ava now weighs 16 lbs. and she is 26 1/4" long. The weight is the 93rd percentile and height is the 97th I think. I don't have the paper with me. But anyway, they were all in the nineties.......thats A's right? LOL.

The time of her doctors appointment was her naptime so she was already a little crabby. The doctors office wasn't helping things as we had to wait twice as long as normal to be put in a room, for the nurse to show up and for the doctor to see her. So by the time they started stabbing her she was already crying. Needless to say having four needles poked into her chubby little legs didn't help much and it was all I could do to get her calmed down. She was cranky the rest of the day and had to either be in my arms or right next to me. Poor thing. Luckily its another 2 months before we have to do it again.

We have a trunk or treat party w/ our ward tonight. I wasn't sure we'd be able to go w/ Rob having to work so many hours lately and today being the last day of the fiscal year but it looks like he'll finish up in time. So Ava and I are on a hunt for a costume for her today. I'll be sure to post some pictures. She may end up being an OU cheerleader as we already have that one. Happy Halloween all. Steer clear of any ghouls and goblins you see today!

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