Monday, October 29, 2007

Time Flies

For those of you who are already moms this will come as no surprise. I continue to be amazed at the things Ava learns and how much she changes in just weeks and even days. She has this pink bouncy chair I put her in when I'm showering or making dinner, etc. It has a play bar w/ a hanging flower and there is a plastic ring hanging from the flower. If you pull on the ring it plays a song. Initially when I put her in the chair I would pull the ring and watch her face light up. She apparently is a fan of the music. A few weeks ago she was in the chair on the floor in the kitchen and I had my back to her making dinner. All of the sudden I hear the music from the flower start playing. I gasped and turned around to see her w/ a shocked expression on her face, her fingers still curled around the plastic ring. Unfortunately my clapping and praising for this new accomplishment was met w/ a pouty lip followed by tears and a flailing arm. She had mastered the art of moving her arms around enough that her hand could accidentally make contact w/ the ring and grab hold but she did not yet possess the ability to let go of the ring. So after the initial surprise of grabbing it wore off she began to scream because she couldn't get her hand to release it. Needless to say, I detached the death grip and placed her hand back in the safety of her lap. This morning I was in the bathroom putting on my makeup and I kept hearing the music coming from the chair behind me where Ava sat entertaining herself. I kept waiting to hear her whine for my help but the whining didn't come so I turned around to watch. I watched as she would awkwardly reach up and get her fingers around the ring, pull it until the music started and then let go so she could kick and bounce in excitement w/ the tunes. The music would stop, her bouncing would stop and once more w/ a look of extreme concentration furrowing her brows she would extend her arm to the ring to make the music start again. This cycle was repeated over and over. I was just thrilled that in the space of a few short weeks shes made such progress. Babies are amazing and oh so much fun! So congratulations to the new master of ring pulling!

Here is a picture of the chair. You can barely see the purple ring in the right hand corner. I had it flipped around the bar so I didn't hit her head putting her in. This picture is from the time when she was merely a spectator of the flower ring pulling!

1 comment:

MariePhotographie said...

I love that blanket you have in her it made specifically for the chair? It's so cute!

And no, I am not a seamstress...just thought I could make that duvet cover for some reason, and it actually turned out alright!!!