Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Craters of the Moon

While we were in Idaho for Christmas, my sister Tara suggested we take our kids to Craters of the Moon. One of her sons had a project coming up that the trip would work for and we both thought it would be fun to take our kids to a place we visited as kids. We grew up only about 30 miles from this place so it was a frequent end-of-the-year field trip in elementary school. I don't remember there being snow on the ground when we went though. My mom watched Charlotte for us which was great since it was a lot of walking/climbing but we had fun.

The kiddos reading about one of the volcanoes

Ava and her cousin Blake helping each other up the hill

Apparently Blake wasn't helpful enough because here she is with Aunt Tara.

Ava posing on one of the craters

Looking down into one of the craters

Becoming Junior Rangers

"I promise not to take rocks from National Parks."

The whole crew that went.
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