Friday, April 22, 2011

It has come to this people

I recently had to add this piece of art to my bathroom decor.  Isn't it lovely?  Because apparently somewhere between the excitement of getting the bum wiped and washing the hands WITH soap, a very crucial step #3 was getting missed.  Again and again and again.  And while I love a good poo aroma wafting through the house as much as the next guy, it was time to take some action.  The culprit appears excited about the step by step.  In fact, after it was shown to her she invented her own little musical ditty to go along with it.  But as we all know, actions speak louder than words....or songs.  So we shall see.


Natalie said...

Do you sell those? We skip steps 2-4 at our house. Taylor likes to claim that "I don't need you to wipe my bottom. Those aren't mine." Pointing to the poo in the toilet.

Nancy said...

gee you'd think rob would have gotten it by now, how old is he?

Nancy said...

gee you'd think rob would have gotten it by now, how old is he?