Monday, December 07, 2009

Funny things she says.................

Ava is a little chatter-box these days and she comes up with some pretty funny things. Here are some of her most recent.

With the Christmas lights and decorations surrounding us, Ava has started singing Christmas songs. Despite being able to completely sing Jingle Bells last year, this year she has become a little confused. Here is this year's version: Jingle Bells, Jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride and Bingo was his name oh....hey!

After Rob didn't shave much all weekend and had a mustache/goatee, Ava (while sitting on my lap) said "Daddy has a mustache." I said indeed he did. She then looked up at me and said "Mommy has a mustache too." Apparently it's been too long since I've been to the salon.

At the doctor's office on the way into the ultrasound room, I stopped to go to the bathroom. Rob took Ava into the ultrasound room to wait for me where she informed him and both the u/s techs that "my mommy is peeing in a cup." Maybe taking her to my last doctor's appointment was a bad idea.

A few months ago Ava started becoming interested in boobs. One day when she saw me changing she said "Are those your buttons mommy?" Thinking buttons was maybe a good name for her to use I said yes. But after a few times I decided I'd rather have her use a real word for them. So the next time she brought them up and said "I see your buttons", I said "We call them boobs." She followed up with "Can I touch 'em?" Me: Um, no. We don't touch boobs. The next day in Target as I stood in line to return something, I hear her tell the lady behind me "My mom has biiiiiiig buttons" (thank you pregnancy) and I fumble my way through "um yep, mommy has big buttons on her coat. see these big buttons!" I barely managed to get the cart away from anyone who might hear before Ava began singing what has now become a signature song whenever she is confronted with a large set of knockers. "You have buttons and I have buttons. We call them boobs, but we don't touch 'em." So far she's sung it in Target, the library, Michael's and the grocery store. And if you know this kid, you know that she has two volumes.......silent and LOUD, very loud. I'm just waiting for her to bust out with it during sacrament meeting.


Mellonee said...

You know she's probably teaching 'the button song' in nursery! That's just too funny. I am laughing that boobs is the 'real' word. Thanks for sharing!

Mary said...

I could not stop laughing through your entire post! That is hilarious! She has quite the personality. I am already finding Abby repeats everything I say--the good and not so good :)

Bek said...

i have a mustache too, so not to worry. :)